Home treatment of symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a chronic disease. This definition suggests that, once sick, a person will be forced to constantly remember that he must adhere to certain rules of life so as not to provoke an exacerbation.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

The human spine consists of three sections: cervical, thoracic and lumbar. But it is the cervical region that is the most vulnerable, because it is the least protected, at the same time that it is constantly in motion, undergoing colossal loads. And the reality of modern life has made its contribution to the way of life, which is far from beneficial for the health of the spine. After all, to be completely honest, we have to admit that every year humanity moves less and less. For most of us, the job involves eight hours of sitting. So I, while preparing this article, am sitting in front of the computer, and you, while reading it, are also sitting. And so, from day to day, we sit at the office, we go by transport, at home all the work is done for us by household appliances, and we rest. About what? “Movement is life” is a well-known phrase. At the same time, we can say with some precision: movement is a healthy spine. Cervical osteochondrosis is getting younger. Today, it is no longer rare for a young man in his thirties to complain of neck pain. But pain is not the only symptom of the disease.


First, it is the pain that occurs when moving the head, body, arms.

Severe headache which cannot be relieved even after taking pain relievers.

In addition to a headache, vague multicolored spots or flickering "flies" may appear in front of the eyes.

Dizziness is also a common symptom of cervical osteochondrosis.

Pain in the chest. At the same time, it may seem like it's heartache. Here it is important not to confuse the diseases osteochondrosis and angina pectoris. With the latter, the pain of the heart will respond in the left hand. The patient unconsciously has a feeling of fear of death. With osteochondrosis, nothing like this happens.


Reasons i

Surprisingly, doctors admit that today they cannot fully explain all the reasons that lead to the disease. But at the same time, they list the main ones, from which it becomes clear that often a person himself is to blame for the fact that a disease such as cervical osteochondrosis happened to him.

For reasons beyond our control, we include heredity and age. You need to take note of it and not forget about prevention, if you are at risk, so as not to fall victim to the disease.

The second reason (rather the first) is physical inactivity. Move, move and move! And then you will avoid a nuisance such as cervical osteochondrosis.

Do you smoke? Throw it away immediately! To smoke all diseases, including osteochondrosis.

Infectious diseases and intoxication of the body.

Injury to the spine.

Stress, constant anxiety, nervous situation at work and at home.

Heavy physical work and work associated with constant hypothermia.

Excessive passion for power sports.

Athletes who have retired from sport are at risk.

Lovers of shoes that are too tight and women who cannot imagine themselves without high heels.

Finally, junk food lovers who do not pay enough attention to their diet will sooner or later experience neck pain.

Traditional treatment

Once an accurate diagnosis has been made, your doctor will prescribe treatment to relieve pain and restore mobility. Anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, and pain relieving drugs are prescribed. In addition to drug treatment, physiotherapy will be prescribed to you without fail. Massage is a very effective method for cervical osteochondrosis.Traditional treatmentAnd depending on the degree of the disease - therapeutic exercises, acupuncture.


You can do gymnastics on your own, without leaving your home or office. All exercises are performed in a sitting position, repeated five times.

Exercise 1.Straighten your back, take your head back. Bend your head to the right, trying to touch your ear against your shoulder. Then try to touch your ear to your left shoulder. Tilt your head gently without straining.

Exercise 2.Stretch your chin forward. Then very slowly turn your head left and right.

Exercise 3.Imagine that your palm is a wall. Place it on your forehead and try to push through the "wall".

Exercise 4.Press the "wall" with the back of the head.

Exercise 5.Place your hands behind your head and close your fingers. Lean forward as far as possible, then lean back, leaning against the back of the chair.

These simple exercises will help speed up your recovery and are a great preventative measure if you don't stop exercising after the cervical vertebrae have regained their mobility.


  • Rubbing an infusion of wormwood into the cervical spine will help. For infusion, pour a spoonful of dry wormwood in a thermos and pour three hundred ml of boiling water. After two hours of infusion, strain, cool slightly and rub the affected area several times a day.
  • Tincture of lilac
  • is ​​used for many ailments, but most often it is recommended for problems of the musculoskeletal system. It should be prepared in the spring, during the lilac's lush flowering period, and stored until needed. Transfer one hundred grams of freshly picked lilac brushes to a glass dish and add a liter of good 40 degree vodka. Place the pot in a dark cabinet for a week and a half. Strain, pour the tincture into a clean bottle and use for your daily rub.
  • Rubbing on the base of the garlic will relieve the condition of osteochondrosis. Peel the garlic and fill two hundred grams of mashed peeled cloves with a bottle of vodka. Insist a week in a dark closet. Shake out the tincture every day. Filter so as not to burn yourself during use and rub the painful areas with the dye.
  • If you have Indian onions growing on your windowsill, great! Tear off a leaf every night, rinse it, cut and rub the cervical vertebrae with the pulp of the plant. Go to bed immediately after the procedure. The pain should decrease almost immediately.
  • Dissolve a mummy tablet in a little water and mix with a spoonful of honey. In the evening, shortly before bedtime, massage the mixture into the skin above the cervical vertebrae. Then apply a small amount of honey to the compress and secure it to the back of the neck. Leave it until morning.
  • Prepare a mixture of tincture of iodine and camphor alcohol - ten ml and three hundred ml of medical alcohol. Rub the healing mixture every night for a week.


  • For a hops ointment, take a spoonful of softened butter as the base and mash it with a spoonful of powdered dry hop cones. Then apply a thin layer to the cervical spine, apply waterproof material and a woolen bandage on top, hold it for thirty minutes to an hour.
  • Crush the juniper needles and powdered bay leaves. Pour a spoonful of powder into two tablespoons of softened natural butter. Connect carefully. Then do the same as with the hop ointment.
  • The following pomade recipe is also made from butter. Take a spoonful of dry powder as fillers: celandine, mint, calendula and hops. The method of preparation and use is the same as in the previous recipes.
  • Prepare an ointment with equal volumes of camphor alcohol, vodka, and mustard powder. Separate the whites of three eggs and beat them, add them to the prepared mixture and rub thoroughly. It is recommended to use the ointment in the evening, before going to bed. After application to the skin, a warm cloth should be tied around the neck.
  • And at the end of the ointment topic, there is another butter product. Peel a medium head of garlic, about the same piece of butter, and a ginger root the same size as the garlic. Chop the garlic and ginger and rub them in softened butter. Rub the ointment on it every night before going to bed and the pain will stop bothering you very quickly.


  • The anesthetic pad is prepared from an infusion of burdock. Grind the dry burdock leaves and add a spoon to two hundred ml of boiled water. After half an hour, drain, soak a compress in the infusion and apply it to the back of the neck. Cover with waterproof material and a warm cloth. Lie down for about twenty minutes. After removing the compress, isolate the place of its application.
  • Burdock infusion
  • Prepare a tincture of elderberry that can be used for both compression and friction. Lightly crush one hundred and fifty grams of elderberries and fill with a bottle of high quality vodka. After a week of infusion, filter. Before applying the compress, take fifty ml of tincture, dilute one hundred and fifty ml of clean warm water and, wetting the cloth for the compress, apply it for half an hour, heating it with a woolen bandage on theabove. If you use the tincture for grinding, you do not need to dilute it with water.
  • Leave the herbal compress overnight. Take an equal amount of dry dandelion and burdock and St. John's wort roots. Grind and mix the raw materials. Pour a spoon of the collection into two hundred ml of hot water and, placing on the fire, boil for five minutes. Once cooled, filter. Secure the broth-soaked cloth to the nape of the neck with a warming bandage.
  • Osteochondrosis is very easy to treat with horseradish. You don't need to insist or cook it. Tear off a fresh leaf, immerse it in hot water and immediately attach it to the cervical spine with a warm cloth. Leave it on overnight. If you experience a burning sensation, don't worry, it should be.
  • Will help in processing cottage cheese, preferably homemade. Prepare a piece of compress, spread the curd on it in an even layer, lightly sprinkle it with vinegar and put it on the nape, fixing it with a warm bandage. Healers recommend that you keep the curd compress overnight.
  • For a compress, peel a small potato tuber and grate it. Add a spoonful of honey to the potato porridge, stir. Spread the mixture on the compress fabric and fix it on the problem area of ​​the spine for an hour and a half to two hours.
  • Aloe juice
  • Prepare the aloe and squeeze the juice - it will take fifty ml. Mix fresh aloe juice with 100 to fifty ml of vodka and 100 grams of honey. Spread evenly on a compress and apply to the cervical spine for an hour.
  • Refined kerosene is an excellent heating agent. They need to soak the cloth of the compress, apply to the wound, then waterproof material and a heating bandage. The exposure time of the kerosene compress does not exceed one hour.


  • Prepare a decoction from the sunflower roots. Take the dry roots, crush them and measure a full glass. Pour three liters of hot water over the roots, place them on the fire and boil for three minutes after boiling. Drink the cooled and filtered broth two hundred ml three times a day, after breakfast, lunch and dinner for three days. If the root boiling time is increased to five minutes, then taking it will get another effect - the removal of salts from the body. You will need to cook and drink the broth daily for thirty days. After about twenty days you will notice that the urine has turned dark - this is normal - the process has started. Continue to take until the urine color returns to normal.
  • Infusion of garlic with lemon will restore mobility and eliminate pain. Rinse three lemons and chop them together with the skin. Peel and chop one hundred and fifty grams of garlic cloves. Transfer everything to a glass jar and fill it with a liter of boiled water. Once the infusion has cooled, it is ready to be used. In the morning, immediately after waking up, take one hundred and twenty-five ml of infusion, after mixing it.
  • Lemon-garlic infusion
  • A mixture of vegetable juice, honey with the addition of vodka gives an excellent healing effect. Since vodka is a good preservative, the mixture can be prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator. First, collect the juice from the aloe leaves. Measure its volume and mix with the same amount of black radish juice. Add liquid honey (if thickened, heat in a steam bath until liquefied) in an amount equal to half the volume of aloe juice. Mix well and pour the same amount of vodka. Stir again, pour into a clean glass jar. It is recommended to drink the remedy in the morning, after waking up, one spoon at a time.
  • Chop the parsley root. Boil two tablespoons in two glasses of water for an hour. Cooled and filtered broth, a spoonful, should be taken twice a day - in the morning, on an empty stomach, and in the evening, before bedtime.
  • Parsley is resistant to the removal of salts from the joints, so it was included in the collection of fifty grams of parsley, nettle leaves, chamomile flowers, hop cones and one hundred grams ofburdock taken each. Grind the ingredients, pour two glasses of boiled water, close the dishes and leave for three days. Pour the filtered infusion into a clean dish and put it in the refrigerator. It should be treated for a week and a half, taking twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, a spoonful.
  • It is nonetheless effective for osteochondrosis and celery. Take a piece of root about three grams in weight and, after chopping it, transfer it to a liter of boiling water. Insist at night. Filter in the morning. Drink a spoonful three times a day, before the main meals.
  • Celery infusion
  • Folk healers have not neglected sesame seeds either, given its medicinal properties due to its rich mineral content. There is no need to stir it or insist. It is sweet to eat only a spoonful of sesame seeds twice a day and you will quickly compensate for the lack of calcium and potassium in your body.
  • To relieve the pain of osteochondrosis three times a day, syrup from pine buds. In the spring, when the pine has grown, pluck the young buds, rinse them and dry them. Then finely chop them and, after measuring the volume of the kidneys, add the sugar twice. Mix well, transfer to a clean glass jar and refrigerate for fourteen days. After the allotted time, the syrup should turn brownish. Take a spoonful of syrup in your mouth, but don't swallow it right away, and suck it, then swallow it. It is recommended to be treated with pine syrup for three weeks.
  • Folk healers have also adopted birch buds in the fight against osteochondrosis. Put a spoonful of birch buds in a liter of boiled water, cover the dishes with a lid and let cool completely. Strain and drink the infusion throughout the day, dividing it into four equal portions.
  • Lingonberry leaves contain substances that have anti-inflammatory effects. Three tablespoons of crushed dried lingonberry leaves, pour two hundred and fifty ml of boiling water. After about two hours, strain and drink two scoops three times a day, regardless of meals.
  • Rinse the cinquefoil with the root thoroughly, tear finely and fill a three-liter jar to half the volume. Pour two bottles of good vodka, close the lid and leave in a dark cabinet for three weeks. Pour the filtered tincture into a clean glass container. You need to drink sabernik tincture a quarter of an hour before each meal, a spoonful, until the end of the tincture.
  • Many people have dye on lilac flowers at home. If you don't have it, have it ready and always keep it on hand - it's a great remedy for many joint disease problems. They drink it before meals, pouring thirty drops in a small amount of water. And it is not difficult to prepare it. Take a lilac color, rinse and place in a glass jar upwards. Pour in enough vodka to completely cover the lilacs. Leave to infuse for 3 weeks in a place sheltered from the sun.
  • Madder
  • The medicinal properties of madder are recognized by official medicine. It is one of the recommended pharmacological preparations for many diseases. Osteochondrosis with the guarantor is easy to treat. The dry root should be ground to a powdery state and consumed one gram three times a day with lukewarm water. You can make an infusion from madder by taking a spoonful of ground roots, add them to two hundred and fifty ml of hot water. Send it for ten minutes in a steam bath. Take one hundred ml morning and evening.
  • Buy pine nuts, crush them and place them in a glass jar. Pour enough vodka so that it's about seven to eight centimeters above the nuts. Close up and go seven days in the dark. Shake the nuts in the vodka every day. Filter the dye from raw materials. Treat with tincture, taking a spoonful in the morning, noon and evening.
  • Among the nuts there is another version of the tincture. But they only need the bullet. Crush two hundred grams of smaller walnut shells and pour two bottles of high-quality vodka into them. Filter after one month. Take two tablespoons of tincture on the shells thirty minutes before main meals.
  • It is recommended to drink a decoction of the collection of herbs in a glass in the morning and in the evening. It should be cooked every day. Pour fifty grams of crushed willow bark, forty grams of birch leaf and ten grams of buckthorn in half a liter of water. Heat to a boil and cook for ten minutes. After an hour, strain the broth and treat yourself to health.


  • Salt compression. Add a spoonful of sea salt to a liter of water, set it on fire and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and, if the salt is not dissolved, stir until it dissolves. Wait for it to cool to body temperature, dip a small hard towel in the water, squeeze lightly and rub the painful areas with it. Repeat the rubbing for a week and a half every day.
  • Traditional medicine suggests kneading a paste of oats or rye bran in hot water to remove inflammation and relieve pain, and, spreading it according to the shape and size of the spinecervical, fix it in the problem area. Keep until cool.
  • Applications of bran paste
  • Squeeze the juice from the horseradish, mix it with the same amount of vodka. Use this mixture to rub your cervical spine every night. Healers claim that this remedy is a very strong pain reliever.
  • To relieve the pain associated with osteochondrosis, attach the magnets to the cervical vertebrae for an hour. Any magnets will do, even those removed from the refrigerator.
  • Like magnets, copper coins or pure copper plates without impurities act on pain. They should be attached along the entire length of the cervical spine on both sides of the spine and left for up to eight hours. Most conveniently - at night.
  • In the old days, there were no special massagers for the spine, and people, feeling the need to influence the vertebrae, used long round sticks for this. You can take a shovel handle or something. Place the stick on the back of your shoulders and start rolling it along the vertebrae at least fifty times. The daily "stick" massage will successfully replace modern masseurs.


To avoid an exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis, go back to the beginning of this article and read the section called “Causes”. Have you read it? Do the opposite. By eliminating the causes and preventing the situations that provoke cervical osteochondrosis, you will save yourself from the disease.